Thursday, April 9, 2009

The other Side of Today

The future is to be conquered, tamed and harnessed to serve you in a manner which feeds the interests of destiny and nothing more. The crossroads of time cannot hold back the scent of the pathways of the Gods, ironed out through a wilderness of freedom which can take you to the next level of fulfillment, if only you could forever stay close to that voice which steers you clear of the odor of death.

Only mere mortal cowards languish in the deep waters of indecision. Greater are the decisive men and women of time which chose to daringly dream of a better existence. Whose bloody drenched palms steered the oars of humanity in a new direction providing the power and will of mental might as they steered us with God given direction.

Convictions alone will not get you across the waters, though few would question the power of its influence. But it’s the magical moment where mind, soul and body combine to bring about a physical manifestation of the core being that makes the guardians of creation stand and take account of the wonder of creation itself.


  1. indecision leads to all sorts of calamities! god sent and otherwise ;)

  2. thats exactly what happened yesterday! got soaked while trying to cross the street!

    Auf, God sent??

  3. Isn't being indecisive itself is a decision?

    So does that also make u wet ? :)

  4. Tagged.

    I wanted to write something really long, but couldn't decied what :D

    Oh, also, awarded.
