Saturday, January 17, 2009

F*** Sirasa Dancing Pigs!

Right now i'm in a good ol mood to f***ing reflect on everything and say that i wish Sirasa was off the Air completely! Single handedly Sirasa has fucked up my weekend,

Here i am slaving all week, studying on a friday night, the entire Saturday with only the Maharajah's post for amusement or any sorta entertainment all the while waiting to Catch Arsenal Playing fucking Hull city on the weekend and can you beleive my fucking luck??? Sirasa Dancing stars finals and the stupid democracy at home prevailed!! To actually fucking accept that induviduals at home have developed a taste for this programme which closely resembles the slaughtering of Pigs itself baffles me???? Oh Lord.... Arsenal..... Arsenal.....!!!!

That's it, i have just fucking snapped...... those mobsters should have done a better joib i think!! Starting with immidiate effect all Arsenal Premier league matches are to be viewed over a pitcher of BEER, fish and chip and winglets at Cheers, no coming home on a saturday or Sunday night if Arsenal is playing! either that or i finally get my own damn TV with my Jan Salary!!

To just rub salt up my anus Man U, Chelsea and Aston Villa clinched Victory from the Jaws of defeat/a draw which makes me just hate this fricking Saturday!!!

My weekend is ruined!!!! May the world burn!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ironic Headlines on CNN

You know why i just love reading through the CNN's online news website?? yup, it's like looking for diamonds.... stay at it and you're bound to find the most demented/ironic headlines ever. Not that i hate the local media, but they seem to be so caught up with media rights, the war, petty partisan politics and a plethora of seemingly depressing stories that i can't help but wander around looking for some amusement? look, LW was a great guy.... but nuf with all this now eh?? we know almost all there is to it on the surface at least and could use a little cheering up i'd say. Maybe Mr. Pres should turn up on national tele with a juggling act?? hmm... anyway, check out these 2 headlines i came across on CNN,

Zimbabwe activist: 'I feared for my life' - well...... wtf did you expect being an activist in Zimbabwe??? geez, even us lankans have so much to fear and then you got that Mugabe dude pissing fire all over the place and you actually expected otherwise??? boy what a reality check!!
but Kudos to you. a couple of hundred dim witts like you in Sri Lanka and we've got ourselves a fricking revolution!!!

Mexico searches for abducted U.S. anti-kidnap expert - yeaaahhh...... one of my most prefered stories that i've been following for some time now, have heard little about the poor prick though! But think about it, serves him right... right? i mean the balls this arse had to actually charge people around the world (Money, for all those bull fighting fanatics who got their undies in a twist) to listen to him serve monkey ball curry on a platter is ridiculous. But the actual sequence of events leading to his abduction is even more mind boggling!! I guess this guy was the Sakvithi of the ''Anti Kidnap expert world''. Knew absolutely nothing in reality but ran a brilliant scheme.

Hey, i'm no fan of Hamas... but if Al Jazeera had stuff like this i'd probably be looking into that too. So this is nothing but a big fricking Thank you to CNN.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For everything else there’s VISA

Getting beaten to a pulp by Rupavahini employees, priceless!

The rush of adrenaline you feel when a reporter throws a shoe at you, priceless!

The funky high of having illegal sex on a Dubai beach, priceless!

The shock of a foreign newspaper addressing you by the name of a dead former prime minister whilst being the wife of the president, priceless!

Hearing ‘’Yo Mama so cheap, she couldn’t afford an abortion and now I’m stuck paying your child support’’ on a Sinhalese version of ‘’Yo Mama’’ on Sirasa, priceless!

You highjack a tanker, hold everyone hostage, negotiate a multi million dollar release; the world is on its knees, the Saudis agree to pay but before you know it you die trying to turn a small speed boat! Dumb ass!! Priceless!

There are something’s money can’t buy…….. For everything else there VISA

Friday, January 9, 2009

Forgotten Tsunami Kids - Merry Christmas?

This is the account of one of my more generous friends, who took it upon herself to help out some kids affected by the tsunami, but are still living in scant conditioins at the moment without any schooling and in most cases without any parents, strangely this is in the ratmalana or Moratuwa area which is even more shocking given what a great christmas i had just a couple of km's away. Anyway, this is her account (my friend) of a little christmas party she arranged for them on the 26th,

- Well ironically it took place exactly 4 years after the tsunami.. I wanted to have it before Christmas but due to various reasons it ended up on that day itself. Guess that made the party even more special.

Well both the camps joined together and there’re 81 kids ranging from about 3 yrs to 15 – girls and boys alike. Some have parents but not all of them are fortunate in that sense.
They have one lady teacher who educates them on all subjects (have attached a pic of her).. I think her service is amazing.. I mean just imagine to teach all those kids by herself and she’s quite young too!!! Apparently after the tsunami they had been like wild animals and very tough to control but now they actually listen to her and know how to behave.. she even speaks to them in English as much as possible.. she’s one woman who’s making a true difference.

Well the evening started off with the kids bringing us bouquets with flowers picked from god knows where – but it was so damn pretty that it was way more meaningful than any bouquet I’ve received in my life. Then the teacher went on to give a speech and so did one of my friends (he works for the salvation army) who helped me on this.. made me cry (so sue me I got emotional) Then all the kids gave a few performances… it’s amazing how talented they are and what a lot they have to smile about when they have absolutely nothing!!! All the songs and dances were so heartfelt and they had practiced in such a short time.. the little girl with long hair just stole my heart!!!

Once all the performances were done Santa came and gave them sweets and stuff which they almost murdered each other for-it was hilarious!!!! So excited over a 1/= toffee – amazing no? after that we gave away the gifts…oh my god it was priceless to see the happiness on their faces just by receiving a small thing like a school bag and a bottle.. how often do we take that for granted?? We would even sneer at a gift like that, but for them it was a precious little chunk of gold that they literally didn’t let go of it because they feared that leaving it aside for even a couple of minutes would end up in them losing it or misplacing it.

One of the most precious moments was when this little boy who was less than about 5 yrs old just sat in his little corner and was just obsessed with his bottle of water which had a fancy straw popping out of it. He kept on opening it sucking the straw pretending that there was actual liquid in it then closed it and kept on doing the same thing over and over and over… how many 5 yr olds that you and I know would ever be fascinated or thrilled with a puny water bottle????

We wound up by serving them a piece of butter cake, a cordial drink and fruit and nut ice cream.. that’s all I had funds for, but that made them happy so it was fine.. OMG the smile on their faces when they received that cone of ice cream – I felt like a total cow remembering how I stuff myself with ice cream on Sunday afternoons! (oh by the way this little shed that the party took place is actually where they have their classes – it’s boiling hot and there are no tables and chairs – and we complain at office when the ac goes off – what a joke!) Anyhow I’m planning to do bigger stuff for these kids this year cause there doesn’t seem to be any other funding for these kids and their families – considering their pathetic living conditions! I want to have a huge party for them this year during Christmas with much more funding and wanna start a funding organization to at least make a small difference in their lives.. we take way too many things for granted and this year I shall change that to some extent!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Garments without Guilt

The infamous tagline by which Sri Lanka sought out to position itself in a global economic skirmish between the sweatshops of India and China, the meagerly paid Bangladeshis and a barrage of other under developed countries which offer labor at the cost of 20 cups of Starbucks Coffee or less seems to be withering away. Sri Lanka’s Apparel industry reminds me of the uncanny ability of some good ol brits from London who seem be able to play beautiful football but can’t win any silverware. Yes, we are the Arsenal of the apparel world. Quality, compliance, working conditions are brilliant but somehow we seem to lack the competitiveness that promises that the industry is truly stable and the promise of an FA cup, long term competiveness is more than merely just a fable that bears no resemblance to reality by any means.

An alcoholic will tell you, getting over self denial is the first step. The private sector seems to be constantly shouting out ‘’Hi my name is wrecked and I’m an Alcoholic’’ but the government seems to be chuckling at this statement and continues to indulge in giving the industry constant shots of zambooka and Martinis which are forced down the throat of the poor ol industry which seems to be crying out for rehabilitation.

‘’Zambooka’’ in the form of an overvalued rupee, ‘’Martini’’ in the form of Inflation, and of course how could we forget a shot of tequila also popularly known as ‘’comically high rates of burrowing’’, add a pinch of lower demand for alcohol driving the cost of liquor down also known as the ‘’Global economic crisis hitting retail markets in the west’’ and we have one terrible alcoholic of an industry!

For once I wish the pragmatic understanding of Dr. Harsha De Silva hit the policy makers in power like a Leyland lorry overloaded with coir traveling at 100 Km per hour down a narrow Sri Lankan road tooting its horn as if the Drivers Arse is on fire. But it seems to be useless.

I read recently that the overvalued rupee is nothing more than merely an election tactic to bring the cost of imports and hence cost of living down prior to some elections which I quite frankly am not bothered about. Forgive my unpatriotic approach to Sri Lankan politics.
Hoping that 50,000 or more direct jobs will still be with us at the turn of the decade, I leave you for now.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Holy Matrimony

He was young, 2 beautiful kids, Successful…. He was in love, deeply in love…. She happened to be his wife. She was overly extravert, wanted to booze… to party…. She broke his heart… Piece by piece…. His emotions finally gave way. Leaving a note to his parents, love my wife as you always have, Take care of my kids, He took his life.

I was hearing this tragic story from my mother about the demise of a long time family friends only son and I couldn’t help but feel outraged at the wife. Fair enough, I’m not in a good position to pass judgment. But what scares me the most is that this was a decent guy… a really good guy who had a reasonably good life! One single bad decision on whom to marry drove this man insane and was the end of him. This brings me back to my old post ‘’the decisions you make shape the life you live’’. Being slightly paranoid myself on finding the right person to marry someday, it scares me a great deal. People often make a decision on whom to marry without knowing the full implications of a bad decision I think.

No wonder those Indian Parents get so involved!! I Remember reading a post sometime back about a blogger, who met a Kapuwa to fix her with a good guy, can’t blame the parents can you when in today’s world there are so many blunders in this area. Just as much as a good partner will help you excel in life, a bad partner can bring you down completely. I know of a guy who lost all his savings, millions. Coz it was in a joint account, lost his kids coz he had no source of income simply since he could not go back to work with so many domestic issues at hand and got kicked out of the house and the business which they started together (love really is blind). From riches to rags this guy went in a couple of months and for many years he was bordering insanity. Women go through the same, if not much worse…..

Marriage is a decision that needs to be taken after careful thought. I remember a blogger who once recommended a book which stated some important principles which need to be aligned to make sure no major clashes occur in a marriage. I suggest everyone to take a peek. Need to trace down this post….. Like the bible says, you really are in a mess if you happened to be unequally yoked!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Naked hot Lady Over a Beer??

Always..... ok maybe not Always.....