Friday, January 16, 2009

Ironic Headlines on CNN

You know why i just love reading through the CNN's online news website?? yup, it's like looking for diamonds.... stay at it and you're bound to find the most demented/ironic headlines ever. Not that i hate the local media, but they seem to be so caught up with media rights, the war, petty partisan politics and a plethora of seemingly depressing stories that i can't help but wander around looking for some amusement? look, LW was a great guy.... but nuf with all this now eh?? we know almost all there is to it on the surface at least and could use a little cheering up i'd say. Maybe Mr. Pres should turn up on national tele with a juggling act?? hmm... anyway, check out these 2 headlines i came across on CNN,

Zimbabwe activist: 'I feared for my life' - well...... wtf did you expect being an activist in Zimbabwe??? geez, even us lankans have so much to fear and then you got that Mugabe dude pissing fire all over the place and you actually expected otherwise??? boy what a reality check!!
but Kudos to you. a couple of hundred dim witts like you in Sri Lanka and we've got ourselves a fricking revolution!!!

Mexico searches for abducted U.S. anti-kidnap expert - yeaaahhh...... one of my most prefered stories that i've been following for some time now, have heard little about the poor prick though! But think about it, serves him right... right? i mean the balls this arse had to actually charge people around the world (Money, for all those bull fighting fanatics who got their undies in a twist) to listen to him serve monkey ball curry on a platter is ridiculous. But the actual sequence of events leading to his abduction is even more mind boggling!! I guess this guy was the Sakvithi of the ''Anti Kidnap expert world''. Knew absolutely nothing in reality but ran a brilliant scheme.

Hey, i'm no fan of Hamas... but if Al Jazeera had stuff like this i'd probably be looking into that too. So this is nothing but a big fricking Thank you to CNN.


  1. but i like al jazeera...tells the truth

  2. "look, LW was a great guy.... but nuf with all this now eh??"

    Not really... There's a purpose for all the publicity Lasantha's assassination is being given. This isn't the first time a journalist has been killed but if we do something about it we can ensure it's the last.

    Keeping it in the news helps quite a bit.

    Silencing the free media could very well mean losing democracy. It's a pretty serious issue...

  3. heheh..nice stuff..well this is not frm CNN but its one of those posts i found on the North Korean leader...

  4. Times eye, By all means... to be honest al Jazeera gives you the other end of the spectrum,

    Dee, errr.... :-(

    MOM, you really think this is gonna be the last assasination of a journalist? and i thought i was optimistic about this country.... my apologies for making light of such a serious issue, but please.... enough for one week eh?? i've read enough about it on the blogsphere.... as if there arent any more important issues this country? nobody seems to notice our trade deficit widening by 83% from Jan to sep 08 compared to 07?? people loosing jobs and starving to death, but hey lets just focus on LW and what a big deal his death is... i agree it's important but hello wake up.... we as a nation have more issues to be honest, let the dead bury the dead... lets learn our lesson and move on plsssss.....

  5. RSZ, Ha ha!! Good article bro... lmao!!
