Saturday, January 17, 2009

F*** Sirasa Dancing Pigs!

Right now i'm in a good ol mood to f***ing reflect on everything and say that i wish Sirasa was off the Air completely! Single handedly Sirasa has fucked up my weekend,

Here i am slaving all week, studying on a friday night, the entire Saturday with only the Maharajah's post for amusement or any sorta entertainment all the while waiting to Catch Arsenal Playing fucking Hull city on the weekend and can you beleive my fucking luck??? Sirasa Dancing stars finals and the stupid democracy at home prevailed!! To actually fucking accept that induviduals at home have developed a taste for this programme which closely resembles the slaughtering of Pigs itself baffles me???? Oh Lord.... Arsenal..... Arsenal.....!!!!

That's it, i have just fucking snapped...... those mobsters should have done a better joib i think!! Starting with immidiate effect all Arsenal Premier league matches are to be viewed over a pitcher of BEER, fish and chip and winglets at Cheers, no coming home on a saturday or Sunday night if Arsenal is playing! either that or i finally get my own damn TV with my Jan Salary!!

To just rub salt up my anus Man U, Chelsea and Aston Villa clinched Victory from the Jaws of defeat/a draw which makes me just hate this fricking Saturday!!!

My weekend is ruined!!!! May the world burn!!!!


  1. I have this same problem!! But its tele-drama's at my place. Its hard to almost watch any premier league matches when everyone else is at home.

  2. thanks god for me i am the master of my domain, at least for the time being, whilst i am here that is..

  3. BTW, your personal playlist totally rocks :D
    down with Dancing Star!

  4.! damn!! yep Cheers it is then...

  5. Eeeeeeeeeek! People actually watch the Dancing Poop Show?! Yuck!


    Hope you have calmed down by now!

  6. Jd, The life of a premier league follower will never be understood! lol

    Af, u lucky b***** , hey since ur in Newcastle yeah? you can actually watch the games at the venue? tickets are pricey though...

    Niro, Gracias! Amen!

    Dee, yup... i was thinking the same thing when you officially snapped, remember?? lmao..

    RSZ, deffa! after classes on Sundays? hard to beat the beach though... :P

    Sab, yup.. some actually find it amusing to watch an ex cricketer crap himself in an attempt to do a split!!
    Arsenal won, i'm calmed down... tanku!

  7. yes, that was a tender moment.

  8. dude but Dushyanth rocks \m/

    so does Chula *sniggers*

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Whack, hmm.... Finding it difficult to come to terms with your taste ranging from Metallica to Dushanth....

    Chula.... well, hmm....

  11. i lost interest in the show when Ranjan fell out last season.. i was practically awestruck by his dancing.. so kewl hehe :P
