Friday, December 26, 2008

Tension, Lust, Compassion - One called Caro

To the sweetest thing,
The one called Caro,
You lit up my world, during my darkest hour.
I was nestled in the arms of a beast, filled with illusion of being in yours.

The sweet temptation of a smile divine,
Haunting me & wanting me to cheat on the beast.
6 months I battled, the beast filled with rage.
Your eyes, your gentle gestures, a hope of freedom, trapped in this cage.

Glory & honor,
To the longest coffee…..
1 whole hour, banter & laughter,
Monday through Friday, 9am to 6 pm
A temporary escape from the clutches of that beast,

Though I never cheated on the beast,
A million times the thought crossed my mind.
The warmth of your sweet embrace,
The softness, moist of a kiss enchanted
Kept playing in my head like a record overplayed

The day will come, Freedom will reign!
Breaking the trappings of a grizzly love with a beast,
The day did come, it all just happened so fast….
Trading the beast for a beauty like you,

One weekend, it’s all I got….
To be with you, the one called Caro,
We walked the beaches of Kalutara,
Sat down, smoked, and watched the sun go down……

The sky was a burst of red & orange,
Igniting the horizon as the Day gave way to night,
Little crabs, busy at work….
Trying to beat the approaching tide

In a magical moment, my eyes met yours
Gripped with tension, lust and compassion,
The kiss that plagued my mind played out
The taste of Dunhill you just smoked,

Two days of Magic followed,
A sorry illusion of a lifetime promise,
With just one phone call shattered!
It was your ex on the other line,

Another chance you said he deserved,
After all, five or six years you were with him,
Just last week you had said goodbye,
But….. A change of mind had occurred!

I gracefully bowed out,
Knowing well, how my heart felt……
It’s not everyday beauty comes your way,

It’s all over now,
But still my heart beats for you…. NOT an obsession but a Sweet Sweet emotion,
Like honey to the bees…..
For the one called Caro,


  1. 'I was nestled in the arms of a beast, filled with illusion of being in yours.'

    Dude awesome line and awesome poem... good times man. i feel you

  2. hey maaaaannn. tagged again! here


  3. dee, double :-/
    whack, thanks bro! yeah... good times!!
